1. Nature of the Contract

  1. The self-storage contract is an agreement between the company uStock SA (hereinafter uStock) and the Customer, who is provided with a storage space in order to store goods and personal effects for an agreed period and in return for payment of a rental fee. uStock is not obliged to know the nature or value of said goods or personal effects.
  2. The storage space may not be used in any way for living accommodation or as a residence, even temporarily.
  3. This agreement shall not be construed as a commercial lease. The storage space, subject to this contract, is exclusively reserved for the storage of movable and material goods. It may not be used as a head office, for business use, or for the exercise of an industrial, commercial, craft or service activity.
  4. This contract shall not be considered as a safe deposit box contract or a deposit agreement. uStock accepts no liability in the event of theft, loss or other damage to the stored goods.

2. Duration

  1. The rental period for the storage space may be fixed or indefinite.
  2. The parties define the rental period of the storage space at the conclusion of the contract.
  3. The parties may extend the contract for a fixed term, giving 10 days’ notice.
  4. The party who does not wish to renew the contract beyond the agreed date shall inform the other party by giving 10 days’ notice prior to the end of a month.
  5. The Customer agrees to empty the storage space completely on the last day of the contract at the latest.
  6. If, at the end of the agreed period, the contract has not been extended in accordance with Section 2.2, terminated in accordance with Section 2.3 or emptied in accordance with Section 2.4, it will be subject to a tacit renewal for successive periods of one month.

3. Rental fee

  1. Provision of the storage unit is subject to a rental fee, which is fixed upon signing the contract.
  2. The first month the Customer will receive an invoice on a pro rata basis as soon as the storage space is made available.
  3. The rental fee for the entire term of the contract is due in full as soon as the period to which it relates has begun. Invoices (bills) will be sent to the customer by email or by post with a delivery charge. Payment must be made in full within 10 days.
  4. In the event of a late payment, the Customer will be charged reminder fees as well as 5% interest per year on arrears, and may be denied access to the storage unit until payment of the amount due is received in full.
  5. In the event of late payment, uStock may also take action to terminate the contract.

4. Storage area

  1. Smoking is strictly prohibited on uStock premises, particularly in entryways and unloading areas, car parks, corridors and storage areas.
  2. The Customer shall only occupy the assigned storage unit. The Customer will not store goods in other locations, which are not explicitly defined in the contract.
  3. The Customer shall not make any alterations to the premises, partitions, walls, doors, fixtures, power cables or any other equipment and fittings at the uStock storage facility.
  4. The posting of advertisements, flyers, signs or annotations is strictly prohibited throughout the internal and external premises of the storage centre. As is glueing, nailing, screwing or affixing equipment, supports and other fittings (such as wall shelves) inside the storage units.
  5. The Customer shall not block or inhibit the use of fire safety equipment, such as smoke detectors, sprinklers, fire extinguishers, alarm push buttons, fire escapes.
  6. The Customer shall not store goods that could damage the general condition of the premises or the goods stored by other customers. The Customer shall also ensure that the storage space is kept clean and tidy at all times.
  7. The Customer shall take all the necessary measures to ensure that the stored material is not directly or indirectly damaged by moisture, vermin or rust.
  8. The Customer declares legal ownership of the goods being stored and is solely responsible for them.
  9. The storing of any material, commodity or object that is dangerous, perishable, odorous, toxic, flammable, explosive, radioactive, corrosive, volatile, ammunition, dead or living animals or plants is strictly prohibited, as is any property that causes discomfort to other customers, that requires regulated storage conditions, or whose possession is prohibited by law.
  10. The customer agrees to store no more than four tyres per storage unit.
  11. The storing and/or dumping of waste or any other material in or around the uStock building is strictly prohibited. The Customer must take any waste away for disposal. Failure to do so will result in a charge for disposal of the material.
  12. Access to the storage space is reserved exclusively for the Customer. However, if any doubts arise regarding non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions, legal requirements, or in the event of an emergency, uStock reserves the right to access the storage unit in order to protect the building and infrastructure as well as the goods stored by the Customer or by other uStock customers.

5. Access and security

  1. The Customer must comply with all safety requirements stipulated by uStock, in particular with regard to the non-smoking regulations, access, opening and closing of the building and the storage unit.
  2. When opening the door, the Customer must ensure nobody else enters the building behind them.
  3. When leaving the building, the Customer is responsible for ensuring that the door is securely closed behind them.
  4. Storage space access codes and fobs are personal and non-transferable. In the event of loss or theft of access codes, the Customer must inform uStock immediately.
  5. The storage facility is accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

6. Restitution of the storage space

The Customer agrees to remove all goods from the storage unit and leave it clean and tidy. Any damage or cleaning costs incurred will be charged to the Customer.

7. Insurance

  1. The Customer is responsible for insuring the value of the stored goods. 
  2. It is the Customer’s responsibility to obtain adequate insurance coverage from their chosen insurance provider.

8. Responsibility

  1. uStock takes all the necessary measures to ensure that the Customer is provided with safe and professional storage conditions. However, the level of security guaranteed is not equivalent to that of a safe deposit box.
  2. uStock therefore accepts no liability in the event of loss, theft, or fire. uStock shall not be held responsible for any damage to the stored goods, or for any break-ins, destruction or other damage that may occur in the storage units made available for use, and more generally in the uStock building and on the site.
  3. The Customer shall be held liable for any damage caused to uStock or to third-party customers in the event of non-compliance with these conditions. uStock reserves the right to take legal action against the Customer for any damage caused in or around the building.

9. Non-compliance with contractual terms and conditions

  1. In the event of non-compliance by the Customer with the payment deadlines or contractual obligations as defined in the contract and the Terms and Conditions, uStock shall send the Customer a letter by recorded delivery giving notice of default. If no response is received within 10 days, uStock shall be entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect.
  2. After receiving notification of contract termination, and after having paid the amount owed to uStock in full, the Customer shall remove any stored goods from the storage unit by the end of the 10-day period at the latest.
  3. If the Customer has not emptied the storage unit by the last day of the term, uStock reserves the right to empty the storage unit. In addition, once the contractual period has expired, in accordance with the terms of the original contract, the Customer shall pay a remuneration fee for the illegal occupation of the storage space, plus a penalty of 10%.
  4. If the Customer does not pay the amounts due to uStock, the parties agree that uStock shall have a right of lien on said goods, which uStock shall repossess to discharge any indemnities, penalties or damages incurred against the Customer pursuant to this contract. uStock may:
    • Store the goods elsewhere at the Customer’s own risk and expense, or;
    • in case of little or no value, dispose of the goods. The proceeds of any termination shall first be used to settle the balance owed. The Customer shall be liable for any outstanding storage costs, as well as costs incurred through the sale or destruction of the goods. Any surplus will be deposited in a non-interest-bearing bank account which the Customer can claim;
    • decide how best to liquidate the items without further proceedings (either in a private sale or through legal proceedings, at its own discretion) in order to recover any debt, or;
  5. In the event of a serious breach of contractual obligations, whereby a customer’s actions pose a serious threat, uStock reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately, and to enter the storage unit in order to remove any hazards and dispose of any dangerous goods. uStock may also act in accordance with the abovementioned section 9.4, as well as with section 9.1, resulting in immediate termination of the contract.

10. General 

  1. The Customer agrees to comply with all the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions, as well as with the unit access procedure stipulated. uStock reserves the right to adapt these conditions and documents to changing circumstances, while respecting the meaning and spirit of what has been agreed. The Customer shall be notified at least 30 days prior to the entry into force of any new conditions. If the Customer does not accept the new conditions, the Customer may terminate the contract, providing 10 days’ notice.
  2. This contract is non-transferable. The Customer agrees not to transfer to a third party any use of the storage unit covered by the contract.
  3. The Customer acknowledges that access to the storage space may need to be granted for technical or maintenance purposes.
  4. The Customer authorises the use of video surveillance in the building to monitor activity. The Customer explicitly agrees to uStock storing and processing data for the access control system and surveillance cameras. The Customer also authorises uStock to store video surveillance images and recordings for 30 days.
  5. The Customer must immediately notify uStock in writing of any change of address, email or telephone number. If uStock has not been informed of a change of address, it is entitled to send its correspondence to the last address indicated.

11. Data protection 

The collection and processing of personal data by uStock is outlined in the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is an integral part of these Terms and Conditions, and can be found here: https://ustock.ch/privacy-policy. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Customer also confirms they have read and understood the Privacy Policy.

12. Place of jurisdiction

For all disputes arising from this contract, the Customer expressly agrees to waive their natural place of jurisdiction. The parties agree that the place of jurisdiction shall be that of uStock SA’s headquarters in Martigny-Croix.

These rules form an integral part of the Self Storage Contract.