How to declutter before moving
You're about to relocate or go abroad and you realise that you have accumulated a whole lot of stuff? Here are some tips on how to sort out and declutter.
Sell online
The process is simple and fast. Although the sums offered are often symbolic or lower than their value, it's still less to move 😉
Flea markets and garage sales
Flea markets and garage sales are everywhere. It requires a bit of organizing but it's a fun way to sell your stuff. And who knows, you might discover some unexpected talents as a hawker 🙂
The bestsellers include clothes, vintage objects and small furniture, not forgetting toys and childcare articles (pushchairs, baby chairs, changing tables, etc.)
House sales
You would rather stay at home? No worries! Less known than the garage sale, the house sale requires fewer logistics. All you need is to distribute invitations and encourage word-of-mouth in your neighbourhood and among your friends... An aperitif never hurts and, who knows, it could boost your sales.
It is scientifically proven that giving is the key to happiness, so let's give without moderation... Many things that you no longer use can be useful to others. There are several collection centres or charities that will even collect items directly from you.
You can't avoid a few trips to the waste disposal centre. Ask about the timetable and do things properly right up to the end: think about selective sorting 😉